Tuesday, December 17, 2002

7:53 is the time eye awoke for work this morning...Damn a sista overslept like a muhplucka!..
Anyhoo my nose is stuffy and im hungry....Eye want sum Collard greens and pancakes for breakfast.....?
Who eats that shit in the AM? Maybe a early morning cockroach.....The most beautiful thing eye have seen
in Dallas was on my way to work in my apt complex we have ducks..So im getting ready to leave the gate and
eye have to come to a complete stop because Mama duck and about 7 of her babies were crossing the way.
It was like a Ducktail parade or something.....All eye could do was laugh and Give thanks to the creator
for creating us all at that moment....It was peace to see the togetherness....It reminded me of the reasons why
eye write the things eye do,it reminded me of why eye wear my red,black and green wrist bands,it reminded
me of why eye can't blog with the X-Chromosomes?....Unity,Family, Peace and Love all reminds me of
what Kwanzaa is about.....

My words strike down like missles, agrivating you like eating bone gristle
Atomic bomb, agent orange combat military freeeee-style.
Breathless, back to Afrika live amoung the wild
I'm not sure where im going with this....hahaha!

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