Thursday, October 16, 2003

therapy....the experience

I'm a little late when it comes to pampering myself. I mean I never really considered getting pampered in any way. well I like when it's time for me to twist my locs a little bit. which is a task that I like to have someone do for me. mainly because it feels great. not sure if the other person gets as much enjoyment as I! but just know it is appreciated and loved. outside of getting my hair twisted-which isn't too often, I haven't experienced getting my nails did, or hair did on a regular, toes nutting like that.......not until yesterday..........

I actually stepped out on a limb and I got a massage. like a real live massage-not the in thebedroomrightbeforeyougetsomeass one of my friends in Dallas is a massage therapist. luckily she had an open spot-she invited me for a free massage!!!

the actual experience was cool....yes I mean it was cool-no cold as old grits that's been sitting on the stove all day..I was freezing my lil 5'2 body off.....outside of that-it was probably one of the best things to happen to me in a while. she's really great because she also offers herbal remedies and advice. A little something extra that I certainly appreciate. she did show concearn for the left side of my body-my neck and shoulders. nevertheless, I have a lot of stones in that area-stress buildup im assuming. but I did promise to take better care of my body and mind. which is a promise that I made too myself as well.
got to start eating better as well....but anyways I'm going to make this a regular 2 week if your in the Dallas area and you need to get the massage thing on......holla at me to get at her and she'll hook ya right on up

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