Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Administrative leave is what they gave em'

administrative leave is what they gave them.....if you don't know what administrative leave is....it's paid leave. also like saying you really didn't do anything wrong but we have to suspend you, but ga'head we'll still pay ya jim......also they are saying that Mr. Nathaniel Jones was induced by PCP:

CINCINNATI - Police appeared to follow procedure when attempting to subdue a black man who later died, and "it's obvious one of the officers was assaulted" before the taped beating began, Police Chief Thomas Streicher said Tuesday.

The cause of Jones' death was under investigation. Preliminary autopsy results showed he had an enlarged heart, and his blood contained cocaine and PCP, or "angel dust," both of which can cause erratic behavior, Hamilton County Coroner Carl Parrott said.

speculation....by gosh that's it. why don't we just say that he died of an heart attack...even though we beat the shit out of him.....what the fuck is going on in cincinnati?

from my viewing i am seeing cops constantly jabbing this man, beating him-clubbing the shit outta him as well.....i also see where he pushed an officer, then tried to take his club....only after being repeatedly beaten with it........

the fine line/what your job SHOULD be:
protect and serve muthafucka! that does not mean billy clubbing what you deem as suspicious black men to death. if you come in contact with an individual and you can NOT contain him......use proper measures....where were the tasers? how come out of 6 police officers -not one of them had a taser.......where was the mace? this is not about the cops being wrong....both parties were wrong. but is that a reason to beat a human till his death.....he was high, ok but ask yourself, would he have died if he'd never been beaten? i think he'd still be alive- that is till the PCP killed him

yes there's actually a brother involved...i wonder what going on in his head....your one em now.

my thoughts:
this pisses me off! once again another life has been taken at the hands of the police system...... Amadou Diallo R.I.P. ....i know some of you may comment-with an opposing view.....but you have to acknowledge that this is indeed a problem. a worldwide problem, that has not been properly addressed by congress, the states invovled, city officials. for god's sake they still got Mumia on death row....wtf???? we either dead or in prison....seems to keep popping up in my head now......cincinnati alone has a serious issue with the police department---is there anything being done about it.....are we(black people) out there rallying for our rights as humans? hell naw-we're on the inside hiding behind our security blankets: plush cars, 401k, bullshit salaries, raises, job status, welfare..the comfort zone.....you know that lil government issued bullshit-to keep that mouth shut....."oh no masta, iain't said or seen't nuffin, not long as u taken care me." what i'm saying is we no longer see the benefits of sit ins,marches or protests....these days niggas laugh when you say something about making a change for the better......truth is a lot of us think that it can get no better(can i say that? grammatically correct?no?) how do you compete with the alseep????

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