Wednesday, April 02, 2003

seems as if it's been ages since eye 've written anything.
not even a case of writers block. it's simple eye just didn't have
any words for the shared public or me. ever felt like you have no voice?
that's exactly where eye have been...words and pure thoughts left me
in my time of need. actually they didn't leave they were blocked.
blocked by senseless bull. occupied by anger that entered my cypher.
angry at what? the world, it's politics,people and their bull,myself-the bull
that eye sometimes entertain. just angry at all things that eye have no
control of...then comes the art of war. after seeing and acknowledging
this war is going on...eye had to re-adjust my thought process...
because this world is bigga than my block. there's things going on around
us that has me wondering what's on peoples minds. how will this war
affect our living habits as amerikkkans? do we actually know the damage
that is being done? no. these days a sista wants to spark change.
and in order to help eye gotta correct my errors first. it's a everyday struggle.
im inviting all those that are ready to spark change to unite. come together
get some ideas and make a move. for our future youngins. all are welcome.
Peace and leave me your thoughts.

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