Saturday, February 08, 2003

Relasing these demons.....
My mind drifts off to another place in search of a perfect world. No such thing. With so much going on in this world eye look for ways to escape the realities that await me. is it really safe to say that im not sane. Im a victim of my own oppression...Suppressed feelings leads me to depression...I'm lucky if eye pull out in time. Man eye got things on my mind and they just wont turn loose.... Wishing they'd cut this noose from my neck.. Strange Fruit? Is this what you used too? Slave to the beat of urban radio. Slaves to the perception that all nubian women are hoes. Slaves for money, cars and clothes. Slave of this control...Religion control grab hold dont let go...oh no.. thank jesus he pleases and reasons with the nubians that he's the only way to go... Slaves of the middle man complex....God jesus and u.....Whom do you fear? EYE FEAR NONE! The worst is yet to come. Brainwashed into thinking that the best is now... Far from.. We succumb to evil ways...Taking what he says as word. Eye put this on my third, acknowledge that darkness is the essence of life. Until we unite and fight....Nothing will go right or according to planned.. These are thoughts randomly shared by woman for child, woman and man.

Eye have to trust myself my thoughts needs and wants...go after them and make them happen...Im dying of thirst...thirst for knowledge and creativity....But many dont share or dont know how....Can we break monotony? Help me to help you and him and we can keep growing and growing.....Till evil dont exist no more...How real is that?

A friend asked me yesterday about rallying for peace with war on iraq....eye said fock a rally for a war that will DEFINITELY happen... how bout we rally for our rights to continue to vote...which will be up in 2007...How about we start with that? How about we rally for reparations to be looked at seriously. How about we fight against hate crimes against nubian in Amerikkka-present day slavery.. How bout we rally at the headquarters of Radio1 for contiuously playing poison to our people..How about we rally for human and civil rights for our people first before we rally for gay pride. cause if we not respected as humans u actually think that homosexual rights are even being looked at? Ha!..How about that? Fock Iraq-Bush-Colin Powell-Jesse Jackson(he too worried about his name being called in a movie,than his people),Lott,Bashir(the journalist who interviewed Micael Jackson...Fock all those people...They not down for our cause-so lets move them out the cypher.....If we dont respond shyt wont happen.....Needless to say after eye said all these things the conversation was over!

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