Tuesday, December 31, 2002
....Ok im sitting here at work. Listening to Bilal nshyt and im thinking
about ways eye can be creative today....I'm not trying to get caught in the
hype of partying all New Years Eve night...Or im not trying to be all in the
church....But im feeling rather close to my spritualness...which is good
because eye felt myself slipping....Lately for the last month eye have
been slipping....Doing things that are out of character for me....But
oh well eye repent for those sins committed....And re-focus on Ma'at and
what roles she plays in my life....Making progress.Change.
Man im totally tripping about this cloning thing.....Did you know
the first cloned baby was born on yesterday....Ironically her name/title is
Eve....which equals Hawwah which also equal Nekaybaw.
I'm not sure about this cloning at all....It isnt a natural course...God
didnt select this....Eye dont see the blessing in this not one bit.
For many of you know the effects of cloning is this:
Reproduction of human species,that makes me wonder what
happens to the rest of us......Eye also read how George Bush
wants to decrease the population and YES...It will
decrease in the coming years especially if he's in office....
But the signs are there....From what eye understand we
have exceeded the population rate in this country...so they are
going to try to decrease it.......For it is hard to clearly see but
look around you and notice things are changing.....For the worse...
Makes me wonder if 144,000 souls saved is in fact a number that
reflect TRUTH......How real is that?
about ways eye can be creative today....I'm not trying to get caught in the
hype of partying all New Years Eve night...Or im not trying to be all in the
church....But im feeling rather close to my spritualness...which is good
because eye felt myself slipping....Lately for the last month eye have
been slipping....Doing things that are out of character for me....But
oh well eye repent for those sins committed....And re-focus on Ma'at and
what roles she plays in my life....Making progress.Change.
Man im totally tripping about this cloning thing.....Did you know
the first cloned baby was born on yesterday....Ironically her name/title is
Eve....which equals Hawwah which also equal Nekaybaw.
I'm not sure about this cloning at all....It isnt a natural course...God
didnt select this....Eye dont see the blessing in this not one bit.
For many of you know the effects of cloning is this:
Reproduction of human species,that makes me wonder what
happens to the rest of us......Eye also read how George Bush
wants to decrease the population and YES...It will
decrease in the coming years especially if he's in office....
But the signs are there....From what eye understand we
have exceeded the population rate in this country...so they are
going to try to decrease it.......For it is hard to clearly see but
look around you and notice things are changing.....For the worse...
Makes me wonder if 144,000 souls saved is in fact a number that
reflect TRUTH......How real is that?
Friday, December 27, 2002
How many of us tapdance?
raise your hands if your
*pardon we to define the meaning
of these scriptures...
mental pictures our own werds.
eye-roglyphics tattooed in stone
pages torn from the forbidden text
all there is left are scraps
forgotten fragments come piece by
piece to become
Thursday, December 26, 2002
Meanwhile back at the ranch.....Eye mean my 8 to 5...lol! Today im feeling a lil restless..It's as if eye didnt get a good nights rest...Anyways im thankful for another year....2003 will be one of progress...constantly moving...Eye have a map of it in my head.....
*What's in my head:
For some odd reason or another yesterday eye had flashbacks of my childhood....those years that eye intentionally erased from my head...sort of like demons eye guess.....Eye erased them...or for betta eye ignored em....Eye have held on to soo much that more than enough of it has held me....bound....Lately eye been thinking how everything relates in life to something....Im thinking about being touched as a child...What long term effects does it have on my life now? Plenty eye see them in my everyday living and it doesnt make me proud....eye think eye have been angry for a long time and couldnt figure out why...eye been lonely as well for so long and didnt know why eye felt this way.....Is it all a result of my past experiences? If so how can eye change the course of travel for my life.....In order to be at peace.....there are days when eye feel peace and days when chaos is the star.....Hmmm how little balance or control......Which is it? Control doesnt really exisist...its one of those things that disagreeable folk made up to feel a sense of reasoning for everything. Im not to sure where im going with this for some reason eye just started to wrtie and this is what came out....Pardon the quiet ways im displaying lately-eye have many things on my mental...and it is no reflection on the way eye feel....Im still loving myself and my people....anyhoo im bout to finish my work.
*What's in my head:
For some odd reason or another yesterday eye had flashbacks of my childhood....those years that eye intentionally erased from my head...sort of like demons eye guess.....Eye erased them...or for betta eye ignored em....Eye have held on to soo much that more than enough of it has held me....bound....Lately eye been thinking how everything relates in life to something....Im thinking about being touched as a child...What long term effects does it have on my life now? Plenty eye see them in my everyday living and it doesnt make me proud....eye think eye have been angry for a long time and couldnt figure out why...eye been lonely as well for so long and didnt know why eye felt this way.....Is it all a result of my past experiences? If so how can eye change the course of travel for my life.....In order to be at peace.....there are days when eye feel peace and days when chaos is the star.....Hmmm how little balance or control......Which is it? Control doesnt really exisist...its one of those things that disagreeable folk made up to feel a sense of reasoning for everything. Im not to sure where im going with this for some reason eye just started to wrtie and this is what came out....Pardon the quiet ways im displaying lately-eye have many things on my mental...and it is no reflection on the way eye feel....Im still loving myself and my people....anyhoo im bout to finish my work.
Tuesday, December 24, 2002
I'm not sure what the day has in store for me but eye have to get outta here so eye can finish my things to do list today....Eye have finally had a minute to figure out the blog thang.....It's coming along..im still undone....hehe....the ideas are flowing....
SOmethimes eye venture outside of my area to catch glimpse of others making progress and loving life...Children are the innocents of the world...as an adult eye think we should be more available to all youth as a whole.....whether it's taking them to the park,reading with and to them...Just providing that light of guidance to our future...Our generation is a lost one..No leadership other than record companies....It is up to us all to reach,teach and build a childs future.....With that said...eye have a full load on my mental today....so stay afloat with the Godis....
Eye have a love for the pre-historic and the now!
SOmethimes eye venture outside of my area to catch glimpse of others making progress and loving life...Children are the innocents of the world...as an adult eye think we should be more available to all youth as a whole.....whether it's taking them to the park,reading with and to them...Just providing that light of guidance to our future...Our generation is a lost one..No leadership other than record companies....It is up to us all to reach,teach and build a childs future.....With that said...eye have a full load on my mental today....so stay afloat with the Godis....
Eye have a love for the pre-historic and the now!
Monday, December 23, 2002
It's pretty cold and rainy out there today....makes me want to stay in bed and dream...Im ready for the Holidays so eye can get rest.....cook sum good food and lighting up! Thats my Karastmas itinerary...whats yours?
Im not into all that trimming the tree shyt.....fantasy livin......Give me the realities of life........
Am eye a scrooge? lol!
Oh yeah im takin up where Butta left off........buy a tee, dammit!
Im not into all that trimming the tree shyt.....fantasy livin......Give me the realities of life........
Am eye a scrooge? lol!
Oh yeah im takin up where Butta left off........buy a tee, dammit!
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
"Spark up a leaf...fuk a belief....relief get rid of the grief...
stop stressin lifes lessons..make corrections..use caution with
protection...be the best in...All things....give thanks"
Man can eye make it till thursday which is tomorrow....without any money..Dem damn Sprint PCS people turned my cell off......*sighs* oh well no contacting me today.....See ya when eye see ya!
Im in love again.................
stop stressin lifes lessons..make corrections..use caution with
protection...be the best in...All things....give thanks"
Man can eye make it till thursday which is tomorrow....without any money..Dem damn Sprint PCS people turned my cell off......*sighs* oh well no contacting me today.....See ya when eye see ya!
Im in love again.................
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
7:53 is the time eye awoke for work this morning...Damn a sista overslept like a muhplucka!..
Anyhoo my nose is stuffy and im hungry....Eye want sum Collard greens and pancakes for breakfast.....?
Who eats that shit in the AM? Maybe a early morning cockroach.....The most beautiful thing eye have seen
in Dallas was on my way to work in my apt complex we have ducks..So im getting ready to leave the gate and
eye have to come to a complete stop because Mama duck and about 7 of her babies were crossing the way.
It was like a Ducktail parade or something.....All eye could do was laugh and Give thanks to the creator
for creating us all at that moment....It was peace to see the togetherness....It reminded me of the reasons why
eye write the things eye do,it reminded me of why eye wear my red,black and green wrist bands,it reminded
me of why eye can't blog with the X-Chromosomes?....Unity,Family, Peace and Love all reminds me of
what Kwanzaa is about.....
My words strike down like missles, agrivating you like eating bone gristle
Atomic bomb, agent orange combat military freeeee-style.
Breathless, back to Afrika live amoung the wild
I'm not sure where im going with this....hahaha!
Anyhoo my nose is stuffy and im hungry....Eye want sum Collard greens and pancakes for breakfast.....?
Who eats that shit in the AM? Maybe a early morning cockroach.....The most beautiful thing eye have seen
in Dallas was on my way to work in my apt complex we have ducks..So im getting ready to leave the gate and
eye have to come to a complete stop because Mama duck and about 7 of her babies were crossing the way.
It was like a Ducktail parade or something.....All eye could do was laugh and Give thanks to the creator
for creating us all at that moment....It was peace to see the togetherness....It reminded me of the reasons why
eye write the things eye do,it reminded me of why eye wear my red,black and green wrist bands,it reminded
me of why eye can't blog with the X-Chromosomes?....Unity,Family, Peace and Love all reminds me of
what Kwanzaa is about.....
My words strike down like missles, agrivating you like eating bone gristle
Atomic bomb, agent orange combat military freeeee-style.
Breathless, back to Afrika live amoung the wild
I'm not sure where im going with this....hahaha!
Sunday, December 15, 2002
Aight it took me long enough but eye wanted to listen and absorb.....Eye didn't want to be bombarded by anybody else's opinion of this cd....So eye took my time buying this and listening-Can you believe eye didn't even download it early....Hahahaha....
Ok this time out there are only 13 songs on this disc....Boo! thats the most upsetting thing....Outside of that let me first say that he worked with many of my favorite artist on this joint....
Mary J. Blige
Bilal(my baby daddy #2)
Omar(BD #4)
Jill Scott
Erykah Badu
Cee-Lo(damn Lo what can't you do?)
Marie Daulne-Zap Mama
Vinia Mojica
and Pops
There are a few others on the list but im not listing all them folks...lol! Anyways this is the ghetto fabu cd review right hurr....So listen up...
Electric Circus starts off with Ferris Wheel...quite fair like....it reminds me of riding one actually....Ok stratch all that fancy shyt. I Am Music is my favorite joint on this cd......WHEW! Man coming from a music background eye must say Jill gets better each time she hits the mic......damn now this gave a sis chills and im not easily impressed.....lol! Star *69(PS With Love) shows Bilal at his best...Music...Man this is my baby daddy for real....hehe! Between Me,You and Liberation featuring Cee-Lo..Eye love it when he sings..he is defining what soul is....yep eye said it! Heaven Somewhere is the all star joint of the cd..and it is all of that...Each artists comes thru and represents their own sound,soul or feeling however u people want to label it......lol! It really is a beautiful song.....Last but not least for the stand out tracks on this cd Jimi Was A RockStar....Hmmm this one gets a big hmmm.....From the beginning it starts out with a deep rhthym...then progresses into lyrics and Common's voice is vamped low profile type of thing...He's singing did eye forget to mention that....However it grows into this musical,electrical guitar, Jimi meets Bootsy,colorful type of vibe....Its hmmm...Will get you high...If you don't get high then eye dont suggest listening to this track...lol! because u will at least want too....
All and all this cd is really nice....Peaceful vibe to it and eye see Common's growth into manhood.. An music.with a different approach to the mic..which is always needed in this bubbling ballin azz society....this cd is fun-even the album cover has a certain fun to it....Cop this joint for ya house....This aint one to ride too....But the creative-ness will flow.....Seen!
Saturday, December 14, 2002
Yo a sista had a moment of peace and tranquility....Last night was very peaceful..Eye actually sat still-no interruptions,no calls no bothers at all....It feels good to just be still and listen....mad my favorite things..homemade fries...cut up potatoes..umm umm good...yall don't know nothing bout no potatoes till u had mine....Hehe! cleaned up when eye got home from my 10 hour work day(with no lunch break).....*shhh, im trying to make all the xtra cheeze eye can*....Did you notice the way Jay-Z snuck in my venacular....cheeze..Hahaha thats funny.
Man eye had a Whitney Houston moment last night....The Whitney eye Know and love...Not the crack baby Whitney...Not the in denial, but im still claiming that Jesus is the sun of God Whitney, Praise the Lord while eye hit this line of white truth......Liar! Her soul has been snatched by the disagreeables and im not sure what's gonna come of it....It hurts to watch such a beautiful talented soul waste away into the abyss of nothingness....Nevertheless eye enjoyed her thru memories and playing her old music...Eye got nothing but love for this sista....This all brings me to the question of why are many of our sistas in the spotlight losing it???? Whitney,Mariah(yep eye called her ass a sista),Erykah("all that fraud shyt got ta go"),Toni Braxton(plastic glad wrap sista),Janet(go figure her whole fam is wacked out-so she has a lil excuse)....That's too many if you ask me...If only they would recognize the amount of power that they posses...They would become more of an asset to all Nubian sistas......God bless them all as they continue to search.
eye think im talkin too much-ok im here at work on the clock not doing a DAMN thang......but gettin paid....Isnt that great!...
missed you last night
Peace-Give Thanks
Man eye had a Whitney Houston moment last night....The Whitney eye Know and love...Not the crack baby Whitney...Not the in denial, but im still claiming that Jesus is the sun of God Whitney, Praise the Lord while eye hit this line of white truth......Liar! Her soul has been snatched by the disagreeables and im not sure what's gonna come of it....It hurts to watch such a beautiful talented soul waste away into the abyss of nothingness....Nevertheless eye enjoyed her thru memories and playing her old music...Eye got nothing but love for this sista....This all brings me to the question of why are many of our sistas in the spotlight losing it???? Whitney,Mariah(yep eye called her ass a sista),Erykah("all that fraud shyt got ta go"),Toni Braxton(plastic glad wrap sista),Janet(go figure her whole fam is wacked out-so she has a lil excuse)....That's too many if you ask me...If only they would recognize the amount of power that they posses...They would become more of an asset to all Nubian sistas......God bless them all as they continue to search.
eye think im talkin too much-ok im here at work on the clock not doing a DAMN thang......but gettin paid....Isnt that great!...
missed you last night
Peace-Give Thanks
Friday, December 13, 2002
Today is a lazy day for me...Eye wanted to stay in the warmth of my bed...and just lay there...As a matter of fact eye think this weekend im going to stay in smoke and sleep....lol! just be lazy..Plus im broke..How do you get your paycheck on 12/12 and be broke on 12/13? Hmmmm does this happen to anybody else except me?...And eye keep thinking that eye need to tighten my grip on my finances...honestly eye don't think there is a such thing. So eye am what eye am.....Broke!
For some reason eye like taking pictures....but all eye got is this digital cam...Its kinda funny when u take pictures of yourself...lol!
For some reason eye like taking pictures....but all eye got is this digital cam...Its kinda funny when u take pictures of yourself...lol!
Thursday, December 12, 2002
If eye put half as much work into MY shyt as eye do this job eye would be a millionaire...Not that that's even important to me....Personally having my own house,some land,savings in the bank and successfull biz-something that im happy with I'm fine......Eye don't need the bling diamonds,gold,Rolls Royce....None of that shit defines success.....To me it only shows a certain level of insecurity in that individual.....Why shell out $250,000 on a vehicle....when in fact eye could take half of that and feed the hungry in MY community alone......Things bother me......
What bothers me:
Ignorance..the kind where one takes no responsibility for their actions..period!..
when my system doesn't work for me because people come behind you and make changes...only to find out later that-that way did work.....
when eye fall asleep at night and awake to a bloody nose....What up with that?...Alien like behavior..
Eye want to know what exisited on this earth B4 Egiptians.....Can anybody tel me? Prob not-and im not trying to hear your twisted "well this is what had happened" views....So im guessing that nobody can tell me unless they were there.....Man eye got shyt on my mind...
*Enu*: Eye once had this conversation with an elder about being tuned into your higher being...the ancestors and God....He broke down the cycle and gave me examples of being contacted by our ancestors....He told me how the ringing of the ears is a way of tuning in.....If im not mistaken it is the right ear....And the ringing signifies the ancestors bringing you to a balanced level with them....Anybody experience this?
What bothers me:
Ignorance..the kind where one takes no responsibility for their actions..period!..
when my system doesn't work for me because people come behind you and make changes...only to find out later that-that way did work.....
when eye fall asleep at night and awake to a bloody nose....What up with that?...Alien like behavior..
Eye want to know what exisited on this earth B4 Egiptians.....Can anybody tel me? Prob not-and im not trying to hear your twisted "well this is what had happened" views....So im guessing that nobody can tell me unless they were there.....Man eye got shyt on my mind...
*Enu*: Eye once had this conversation with an elder about being tuned into your higher being...the ancestors and God....He broke down the cycle and gave me examples of being contacted by our ancestors....He told me how the ringing of the ears is a way of tuning in.....If im not mistaken it is the right ear....And the ringing signifies the ancestors bringing you to a balanced level with them....Anybody experience this?
Monday, December 09, 2002
To attain certain levels of peace..One must be......
...Today eye have a toothache out of this world..Ouch! it hurts and eye want my mommy...Gotta get to the dentist really fast and soon...Anyways other than that eye really want to be at home right now...Eye have about 150 items that im trying to ship out while eye update my journal...lol!
The weekend was surprisingly weird...Hmmm...What's up with that? Had the chance to chill with my dad this weekend...He came down to Dallas to get my old truck..She had been giving a sister problems....But she's gone now and eye have another car...So the Creator blessed me with a new opportunity...My hands smell like herb after sticking my hands in my pocket-im afraid to wave my hands around for the fear of smelling like a huge blunt.....HAHAHA!
Ok im bout to close but whats on the mental is: Eye need to work on my communication skills...To communicate effectively is my objective for me....Eye have been listening a lot this weekend to thos voices and maping stuff out in my brain....But eye think im gonna use my pen and paper more often too....Gotta think business like. Organization-being on one accord long enuff to finish something..
Analyzation-to see what im working with and the how's,when,where and who's(thanks to mali im learning)
Commitment-self explanatory...or commitment to SELF.
Patience-practice makes better.
Please pardon the silence as im trying to figure out mentally my plans and goals..and where it,them,u and me fit.
Results of some kooky quiz:

Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz
...Today eye have a toothache out of this world..Ouch! it hurts and eye want my mommy...Gotta get to the dentist really fast and soon...Anyways other than that eye really want to be at home right now...Eye have about 150 items that im trying to ship out while eye update my journal...lol!
The weekend was surprisingly weird...Hmmm...What's up with that? Had the chance to chill with my dad this weekend...He came down to Dallas to get my old truck..She had been giving a sister problems....But she's gone now and eye have another car...So the Creator blessed me with a new opportunity...My hands smell like herb after sticking my hands in my pocket-im afraid to wave my hands around for the fear of smelling like a huge blunt.....HAHAHA!
Ok im bout to close but whats on the mental is: Eye need to work on my communication skills...To communicate effectively is my objective for me....Eye have been listening a lot this weekend to thos voices and maping stuff out in my brain....But eye think im gonna use my pen and paper more often too....Gotta think business like. Organization-being on one accord long enuff to finish something..
Analyzation-to see what im working with and the how's,when,where and who's(thanks to mali im learning)
Commitment-self explanatory...or commitment to SELF.
Patience-practice makes better.
Please pardon the silence as im trying to figure out mentally my plans and goals..and where it,them,u and me fit.
Results of some kooky quiz:
Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz
Wednesday, December 04, 2002
You know for some strange reason eye want to hear "Regulators by Warren G.".....Eye think im having a gangsta bytch moment today....Last night was prgressive.washed my hair...Now it feels so fresh and so clean clean,Nah mean?
It's funny how change finds u and u become open to it...The process of letting go of all that previous bullshit that u have held inside for however long....To clense oneself-self evaluation-removal of all the weight-bagladies and men....Yes bredren yall have bags too...Baby mothers,Mothers,neglecting resp...etc...Eye think for me to see growth is a very rewarding thing.
I'm starting to release many of my setbacks to create that space eye visualized...Peace of Mind! Eye think everybody needs it,don't u?
You know for some strange reason eye want to hear "Regulators by Warren G.".....Eye think im having a gangsta bytch moment today....Last night was prgressive.washed my hair...Now it feels so fresh and so clean clean,Nah mean?
It's funny how change finds u and u become open to it...The process of letting go of all that previous bullshit that u have held inside for however long....To clense oneself-self evaluation-removal of all the weight-bagladies and men....Yes bredren yall have bags too...Baby mothers,Mothers,neglecting resp...etc...Eye think for me to see growth is a very rewarding thing.
I'm starting to release many of my setbacks to create that space eye visualized...Peace of Mind! Eye think everybody needs it,don't u?
Sunday, December 01, 2002
"Emotional Rollercoaster".....has anybody heard this lil joint right here...pretty vivid....The details...anyhoo but eye won't bore u with mine.
Eye got so much to do in lil time man...Eye got few things that im getting into these days..Getting the vendors license on friday...thats gonna be kool...So yes im bout to start selling shit!!!! Hustle Woman to a Corner near U. Also in other news thinking bout taking a Capoeira class here while im in Dallas....that would be mad fun....Don't u think-Eye need a way to clear my mind..and get those corners of my mind that eye had occupied BACK! Stimulate the left and right brain....."Wrap yo head wif dat material"......Good ole Erykah stylee....
These are pictures of me sitting in on a class.....hmmmm...These are untouched pictures..no cropping-or editing...
Kill Whitey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!
There is a certain peace within the art....Livity if u will...Eye think eye need to learn patience again..Althought im still patient..it doesnt hurt to brush up on it again...To fully become humble.....my definition of humble is only defined by me....U can either dispute me or join...Which is it gonna be? Eye am waiting around but not for too long.........REMEMBER THAT!
Eye got so much to do in lil time man...Eye got few things that im getting into these days..Getting the vendors license on friday...thats gonna be kool...So yes im bout to start selling shit!!!! Hustle Woman to a Corner near U. Also in other news thinking bout taking a Capoeira class here while im in Dallas....that would be mad fun....Don't u think-Eye need a way to clear my mind..and get those corners of my mind that eye had occupied BACK! Stimulate the left and right brain....."Wrap yo head wif dat material"......Good ole Erykah stylee....
These are pictures of me sitting in on a class.....hmmmm...These are untouched pictures..no cropping-or editing...
Kill Whitey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!
There is a certain peace within the art....Livity if u will...Eye think eye need to learn patience again..Althought im still patient..it doesnt hurt to brush up on it again...To fully become humble.....my definition of humble is only defined by me....U can either dispute me or join...Which is it gonna be? Eye am waiting around but not for too long.........REMEMBER THAT!
Tuesday, November 26, 2002
My body's tired..my mental is tired...Eye just want to rest..Starting tomorrow at 11am im off for the hellidays...and man eye den commited myself to going home man...DAMN DAMN DAMN JAMES! Honestly eye dont feel like being bothered...Eye want to just stay up in my house and chill u know....Read,burn inscence,smoke herb,eat chinese,listen to my killa mix cd's,just be by myself....Not in the mix of all the Happy ass people that tend to lurk out on these days of the year.....Man im so tempted to call my mom and tell her im NOT coming? What do u think? Should eye or no?
My fockin stomach is killing me today...not sure why...
My fockin stomach is killing me today...not sure why...
Sunday, November 24, 2002
I'm feeling inspired..........Visionary
What can eye say about the single life?...
The last couple of days have been extremely hard for me...Change!....Rearranging!...Eye must say that the adjustment is scary indeed...having to find yourself back out there amoungst soooooo(plural) many restless souls....And yes eye've seen many in the last few days...Truth is im not sure there if eye will ever find that kindred sol...Practice patients and continue to move forward with me...Thats all that eye can do...Whatever happens will..................
What can eye say about the single life?...
The last couple of days have been extremely hard for me...Change!....Rearranging!...Eye must say that the adjustment is scary indeed...having to find yourself back out there amoungst soooooo(plural) many restless souls....And yes eye've seen many in the last few days...Truth is im not sure there if eye will ever find that kindred sol...Practice patients and continue to move forward with me...Thats all that eye can do...Whatever happens will..................
Among other things im being creative...Thats always a plus...Something happened to me...Eye found peace in creative-ness-again....for a while eye wasn't feeling the love of being creative...Maybe because im in Dallas-which eye heard someone yesterday declare Dallas as the "National Sell Out Capitol of the World".........lol! Eye think there is truth in that...Had a conversation with a brotha from Ghana about starting his locs....BAHQU(Bah-koo) is his name.....It's really interesting to hear others point of view....He asked me about washing and twisting-Eye put and end to that age old myth that u gotta keep twisting your hair....Just let it be-no touching or twisiting...forever free..
Friday, November 22, 2002
The fall of a nation....
Last call for unity..Strong minds,healthy bodies,clean hearts beautiful spirits should unite...unite to bring about a change..Aren't you tired of the nigga mentality? Eye know eye am....Fed up with our so called Black leaders not leading us anywhere but to the nearest Bently dealership...T.D. Jakes has one why can't eye? How about a shiny new Hummer or Navigator? Atum-Re has one why can't eye?...downfall of man....Nubian man...The mighty dollar...When did wisdom become the choice tool used to enslave minds?...Ask King James he will tell u....So many of our leaders in high positions fall short of leading. Where are the leaders of today? We are a digital,lazy,thugged out,iced down,money hungry,greedy,slothful society. Steadily rising with little or no leadership at all...Victims of oppression on a much larger scale...We don't utilize the inter-NET or World Wide WEB as a tool but as one to pick up bytches,hoes,chikins,niggas,thugs(how does one thug over the pc),broads,studs yada yada u get the picture...And the list goes on....The NET is nothing more than a huge dating service...Catering to horny undeveloped minds...
Ok back to the point eye was about to make...it is time for someone to stand up and fight...How much longer can we sit on our backsides and complain...Only to make nothing come of it....Eye say that the first call of organization should've been from the church! Ha! Church and other forms of spiritual groups should lead the way to reform...How can they when like eye said our leaders fall short?
Last call for unity..Strong minds,healthy bodies,clean hearts beautiful spirits should unite...unite to bring about a change..Aren't you tired of the nigga mentality? Eye know eye am....Fed up with our so called Black leaders not leading us anywhere but to the nearest Bently dealership...T.D. Jakes has one why can't eye? How about a shiny new Hummer or Navigator? Atum-Re has one why can't eye?...downfall of man....Nubian man...The mighty dollar...When did wisdom become the choice tool used to enslave minds?...Ask King James he will tell u....So many of our leaders in high positions fall short of leading. Where are the leaders of today? We are a digital,lazy,thugged out,iced down,money hungry,greedy,slothful society. Steadily rising with little or no leadership at all...Victims of oppression on a much larger scale...We don't utilize the inter-NET or World Wide WEB as a tool but as one to pick up bytches,hoes,chikins,niggas,thugs(how does one thug over the pc),broads,studs yada yada u get the picture...And the list goes on....The NET is nothing more than a huge dating service...Catering to horny undeveloped minds...
Ok back to the point eye was about to make...it is time for someone to stand up and fight...How much longer can we sit on our backsides and complain...Only to make nothing come of it....Eye say that the first call of organization should've been from the church! Ha! Church and other forms of spiritual groups should lead the way to reform...How can they when like eye said our leaders fall short?
Thursday, November 21, 2002
In the wee hours im supposed to be asleep preparing my mental for the work day...U know what fuk sleeping...Give me my 4 hours and thats all eye need...The problem is eye been sleeping too long...Sleeping and sitting on my ass letting time take over...So im putting an end to the monotony...This is the lesson of my life as told by me....Complacentcy doesnt live here...It's about change...Eye got work to do...Goals to complete..No deadlines just taking my breaths as they are given to me by God...I'm also wondering how to mix business with pleasure...*wink* "Yes it can be done,Do it with me why don't ya". But all in due time eye guess....if thats meant-Divine Plan remember.....Eye do know that things are the way they are for a reason and im patient-not foolishly patient but Humble.....Anyhoo....Im putting the dreams into action..No more laziness So either u with me or not.....Take my hand....Let's make peace.
Makin Progress
Makin Progress
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Pondering on whether or not eye lost my passion for the pen...NO...For sometime now eye been under a writers block...U know eye think that as a result of the what,how,where,when and why's is the reason we have these type of blocks....It's not a loss of words,it's the fact that our membranes have sucomb to various amounts of bullshyt the real thoughts are buried beneath.....the surface....So eye guess that would mean destroy/rebuild.....respond/re-act.....
Man respond/react makes me think of that old Roots shit.....seems as though "Black" has been watered down by his "Thoughts" of random acceptance in the "Hip-Hop" community.....WTF?Look around God the true music fans love your shyt...And u guys have been loved since......Organix Jeez man does celebrity really go to yo head to where it's got u ranting things like "I'm coming to break you off".....Hmmmmm! Just a lil more thought would be appreciated.....I'm waitin on the arrival of the true art form to come to light...Anybody feel me?
Pondering on whether or not eye lost my passion for the pen...NO...For sometime now eye been under a writers block...U know eye think that as a result of the what,how,where,when and why's is the reason we have these type of blocks....It's not a loss of words,it's the fact that our membranes have sucomb to various amounts of bullshyt the real thoughts are buried beneath.....the surface....So eye guess that would mean destroy/rebuild.....respond/re-act.....
Man respond/react makes me think of that old Roots shit.....seems as though "Black" has been watered down by his "Thoughts" of random acceptance in the "Hip-Hop" community.....WTF?Look around God the true music fans love your shyt...And u guys have been loved since......Organix Jeez man does celebrity really go to yo head to where it's got u ranting things like "I'm coming to break you off".....Hmmmmm! Just a lil more thought would be appreciated.....I'm waitin on the arrival of the true art form to come to light...Anybody feel me?
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Ok..so this is the close of my lil work night and im bout to care my ass home finally after getting here at 8am......anyhoo..Something strange happened to me today-Man eye been asked out on a date this the second day in a row...lol! Eye find that quite hilarious...Eye haven't been on a date in YEARS....And im not quite sure how to act....Anyhoo the proposal was peace and im thinking on it.....Eye reall dont want to be bothered but maybe God is telling me something......GIT out the DANG house! maybe....However im making plans -major ones these days and im about to change up a few things....
Thanks for the test Godis...took this lil test today and eye must say The TRUTH hurts huh?
Good Night all souls...
Thanks for the test Godis...took this lil test today and eye must say The TRUTH hurts huh?
Good Night all souls...
Today is going to be a long one. 14 hour work day...But a overtime like a muhpluka!!! Hi ya like dat! Anyhoo im a lil anxious to go home-for the Hellidays...I'm more anxious bout seeing my friend Tasha-she's gonna be off for the week so WE IZ GONNA KICK IT SUM KOOL LIKE!...Building and such all the things that u do with a best friend....Yippie yay!
"Take to the page of my blog,47 black letters" hehe*
Listen my words and thoughts are mine. So are my feelings and u know that my feelings sometime out weigh anything else that eye have...all the knowledge and wisdom-thats the human exisitance within me...Eye have said some things just as u have....Eye take those things and learn my lessons...Many have been inspired by u....In this time we've been building(and yes we building) u have taught me many things....Good/bad...eye take those and learn more about me and u. Please know that my love for u is unconditional....Know that eye am always here-supportive in your efforts to reach higher things...I'm looking forward to growing more with u.....Sis,Godis,Womban,Lover,Friend,Ancient,Earth,Wisdom....whatever-whoever......Know that u are truly Divine and that u shouldn't accept anything less than....No matter how hard things are we seem to pull through it to comfort each others souls....That has to be commended by me. It is well deserved as exceptional in my eyes....U are beautiful mind,body and soul...Stay that way-dont change for anyone....Eye look forward to our buisiness plans as well-Oh Mos F*kkin Def!....To sum all my words up eye love u more each day-inspite of all the hard times we had/have...Keep shining Godis. Eye give thanks for u.
Love Babu
"Take to the page of my blog,47 black letters" hehe*
Listen my words and thoughts are mine. So are my feelings and u know that my feelings sometime out weigh anything else that eye have...all the knowledge and wisdom-thats the human exisitance within me...Eye have said some things just as u have....Eye take those things and learn my lessons...Many have been inspired by u....In this time we've been building(and yes we building) u have taught me many things....Good/bad...eye take those and learn more about me and u. Please know that my love for u is unconditional....Know that eye am always here-supportive in your efforts to reach higher things...I'm looking forward to growing more with u.....Sis,Godis,Womban,Lover,Friend,Ancient,Earth,Wisdom....whatever-whoever......Know that u are truly Divine and that u shouldn't accept anything less than....No matter how hard things are we seem to pull through it to comfort each others souls....That has to be commended by me. It is well deserved as exceptional in my eyes....U are beautiful mind,body and soul...Stay that way-dont change for anyone....Eye look forward to our buisiness plans as well-Oh Mos F*kkin Def!....To sum all my words up eye love u more each day-inspite of all the hard times we had/have...Keep shining Godis. Eye give thanks for u.
Love Babu
Sunday, November 17, 2002
*disclaimer*....in no way am eye acussing any1. but if the truth hurts then eye have band aids in the closet*
"Tell me bout the blues,Eye got news"
Eye feel all four corners closing in on me..It's really hard to function with the silence. Im tired of apologizing and not being apologized too...tired of listening to empty rhetoric. Tired of making excuses for random behaviors...Tired of standing in the way of my own shadow..Why question me when u cont answer your own?.Tired Tired Tired...But im not complainin...Ever heard that saying "never miss the water till it's gone"...Yes in deed-we all have and when it happens it can be a real shocking thing...Just try me and u shall see. Eye often wonder where my relief is when EYE need it..Where is the spirit when eye have none.... too consumed in the u that u forgot about me? Eye certainly think so...Eye been needing since eye can remember,but yet eye put all Me on hold for u......To nurture your change in seasons and yet eye am questioned like eye committed treason last spring season....Yet any way eye still give my last thought....And some wonder why eye dont have any when it comes to my own.....I've given them all till it's gone....empty remember that? Some how trust eye will never forget those words......Man eye gave all my third mind thoughts..late nights....Wondering why eye got no words in my time of need...like eye said too consumed in the u forgot that eye was there.....and needed...and wanted....
Acknowledgment of the things that kept it all sane.....those prescious peices of my membrane....Shared till there is very few...
Starting over......New day.......is.......this one!
"Tell me bout the blues,Eye got news"
Eye feel all four corners closing in on me..It's really hard to function with the silence. Im tired of apologizing and not being apologized too...tired of listening to empty rhetoric. Tired of making excuses for random behaviors...Tired of standing in the way of my own shadow..Why question me when u cont answer your own?.Tired Tired Tired...But im not complainin...Ever heard that saying "never miss the water till it's gone"...Yes in deed-we all have and when it happens it can be a real shocking thing...Just try me and u shall see. Eye often wonder where my relief is when EYE need it..Where is the spirit when eye have none.... too consumed in the u that u forgot about me? Eye certainly think so...Eye been needing since eye can remember,but yet eye put all Me on hold for u......To nurture your change in seasons and yet eye am questioned like eye committed treason last spring season....Yet any way eye still give my last thought....And some wonder why eye dont have any when it comes to my own.....I've given them all till it's gone....empty remember that? Some how trust eye will never forget those words......Man eye gave all my third mind thoughts..late nights....Wondering why eye got no words in my time of need...like eye said too consumed in the u forgot that eye was there.....and needed...and wanted....
Acknowledgment of the things that kept it all sane.....those prescious peices of my membrane....Shared till there is very few...
Starting over......New day.......is.......this one!
Tuesday, November 05, 2002
All right Got Dammit!.....What the heck has taken me so long to write sum words in this thing.....? Sitting here at work this a.m. and im already not doing a damn thing....lol! Seriously just wanted to take the time out to say a few words to my sistren out there....U know who u be....
Eye know that t hings seem hard right now but there is always light...and the Sun forever shines...even when the clouds are out the sun is still shining....And life is to be looked at that way.....These are tests of strength and faith...and u will overcome them just believing that the creator is the Divine substance of all things....Keep your head up sis...U are in my prayers and thoughts....Keep smiling-that bright smile that u have...keep it! and Hold ur head High.........
Remember your Godis strength.......
With Love......Give Thanks...
Eye know that t hings seem hard right now but there is always light...and the Sun forever shines...even when the clouds are out the sun is still shining....And life is to be looked at that way.....These are tests of strength and faith...and u will overcome them just believing that the creator is the Divine substance of all things....Keep your head up sis...U are in my prayers and thoughts....Keep smiling-that bright smile that u have...keep it! and Hold ur head High.........
Remember your Godis strength.......
With Love......Give Thanks...
Thursday, October 24, 2002
Peace...Gotta find peace of mind...Mine...
Unusual day today...started out with an unknown caller at 6am-they hung up on me...Don't u hate when that happens...Continued to work-daily ritual-open emails-yada yada...Surprisingly one from my mom-Strange being that we briefly chatted on the IM.....Subject:Sorry
...Happy Dawning Grandaddy! Eye will miss u dearly....All 50 million questions you would ask me...and thank u for those words: Baby just be yourself, and eye luv u know matter what u do...For that grandad im forever indebted to u....Eye ask Jah that u please tell grandad that eye luv h im as well....and that im doing fine-no worries anymore...for he resides in a better place...and our meeting will soon come....1 day......
Poured sum Red Stripe on the curb for u...
Smoked a lil herb to elevate and lift your spirit to the heavens.....High!
Give thanks and praises to the most High-Jah...
Peace....In Luv Eye Trust...
Unusual day today...started out with an unknown caller at 6am-they hung up on me...Don't u hate when that happens...Continued to work-daily ritual-open emails-yada yada...Surprisingly one from my mom-Strange being that we briefly chatted on the IM.....Subject:Sorry
...Happy Dawning Grandaddy! Eye will miss u dearly....All 50 million questions you would ask me...and thank u for those words: Baby just be yourself, and eye luv u know matter what u do...For that grandad im forever indebted to u....Eye ask Jah that u please tell grandad that eye luv h im as well....and that im doing fine-no worries anymore...for he resides in a better place...and our meeting will soon come....1 day......
Poured sum Red Stripe on the curb for u...
Smoked a lil herb to elevate and lift your spirit to the heavens.....High!
Give thanks and praises to the most High-Jah...
Peace....In Luv Eye Trust...
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
.Eye need a fix...
Just a lil bit of that daily monotony
to keep me grounded...From feeling the
pressures of suckling parasites leeching
on to my every werd....My speech patterns
have caused many to question whether eye came
in this world with my thoughts together..
Peace by peace eye have bits and pieces stapled
and glued to compile this thesis...
its expected of me to remain
at a stand still...Eye remain focused on my
energies that reflect my inner be-ing...
Relax, Relate Release...Completion...
Iditation...Methodical refreshments for me...
Just a lil bit of that daily monotony
to keep me grounded...From feeling the
pressures of suckling parasites leeching
on to my every werd....My speech patterns
have caused many to question whether eye came
in this world with my thoughts together..
Peace by peace eye have bits and pieces stapled
and glued to compile this thesis...
its expected of me to remain
at a stand still...Eye remain focused on my
energies that reflect my inner be-ing...
Relax, Relate Release...Completion...
Iditation...Methodical refreshments for me...
Thursday, October 17, 2002
Simple things seem to pleasure me...I'm not a woman with overdrawn expectations..
I'm not sure how to post this picture but im gonna try this tonight...Eye guess eye feel lucky or something...HAHAHAHA...
Something inside of me wants to be set free...Eye got loads of shyt on the brain...Needing a release..Has anybody ever sat back an observed people going about their daily lives? Eye have and to tell u the truth sum of us are lost without a cause...Eye observed a woman at the check cashing place(HA! Im Bootleg) today...She was hispanic maybe in her 30's...Heavy set...and a viscious personality...Nasty! is the werd of choice....She threw my change to me...the coins and the paper currency...I'm thinking to myself *self* should eye curse this %^&*( out or what?...Then the higher be-ing in me says *self* no just give thanks that you were able to work and recieve a paycheck to cash....So eye went about my merry way...But it made me wonder what was it that pissed her off today? Was it a racial thing? What could be so bad that u treat other individuals so nasty?....Im not sure but whatever it is...Eye ask that the Creator see fit to make her a more pleasent person....
Customer Service my ASS!...Jah Jah forgive me.....
Just something to think about....Next time you apply for a job make sure its something that u want to do...and dont take it out on the innocents that your day is wack!
Thank u
Give Thanks
Something inside of me wants to be set free...Eye got loads of shyt on the brain...Needing a release..Has anybody ever sat back an observed people going about their daily lives? Eye have and to tell u the truth sum of us are lost without a cause...Eye observed a woman at the check cashing place(HA! Im Bootleg) today...She was hispanic maybe in her 30's...Heavy set...and a viscious personality...Nasty! is the werd of choice....She threw my change to me...the coins and the paper currency...I'm thinking to myself *self* should eye curse this %^&*( out or what?...Then the higher be-ing in me says *self* no just give thanks that you were able to work and recieve a paycheck to cash....So eye went about my merry way...But it made me wonder what was it that pissed her off today? Was it a racial thing? What could be so bad that u treat other individuals so nasty?....Im not sure but whatever it is...Eye ask that the Creator see fit to make her a more pleasent person....
Customer Service my ASS!...Jah Jah forgive me.....
Just something to think about....Next time you apply for a job make sure its something that u want to do...and dont take it out on the innocents that your day is wack!
Thank u
Give Thanks
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
Ok let's see whats on the mental this day...Im sitting here at work and im not doing a DAMN thing....hahahahaha!
Anyway eye checked out Red Dragon this weekend...Eye must say eye was more pleased with this than eye was with Hanibal....Hanibal Sucked ASS!...Im not going into detail but eye have a certain sickness to myself....Eye like to solve crimes....Serial Murder crime....hmmmm...Guess it takes one to figure one out huh....Yeah but eye hate cereal! So im not into killing others because of it.....anyway eye do want to add a note to the producers.....Nextt ime focus more on the characters nature...WHY they are the was THEY are.....See eye should be working in HollyHood some where giving directions....lol! ACTION!....
I'm about to take a trip soon....Planning on visiting Amsterdam in January.....Im xcited! Would u like to go?
Anyway eye checked out Red Dragon this weekend...Eye must say eye was more pleased with this than eye was with Hanibal....Hanibal Sucked ASS!...Im not going into detail but eye have a certain sickness to myself....Eye like to solve crimes....Serial Murder crime....hmmmm...Guess it takes one to figure one out huh....Yeah but eye hate cereal! So im not into killing others because of it.....anyway eye do want to add a note to the producers.....Nextt ime focus more on the characters nature...WHY they are the was THEY are.....See eye should be working in HollyHood some where giving directions....lol! ACTION!....
I'm about to take a trip soon....Planning on visiting Amsterdam in January.....Im xcited! Would u like to go?
Monday, October 14, 2002
Sometimes it hurts....
Eye was doing good up until about 3:00pm...Said eye wasn't gonna let nothing affect me to the point it gets me down...EYE failed....and here eye am again worried...My lil heart can't stand much more...All eye want is to be the light for others to see themselve...Be honest and Truthful...but it gets hard when truth isnt appreciated on all accounts...Is my werd bond to u?
eye dont know what im writing im just letting go of a lot of pain that eye keep inside for fear of someone saying "u too focused on the negative things".........Lalalalalala! My soul aches too.......
I'm just trying to complete me.
What the hell.....Think eye smoked too much this weekend.....all things in moderation!
Eye was doing good up until about 3:00pm...Said eye wasn't gonna let nothing affect me to the point it gets me down...EYE failed....and here eye am again worried...My lil heart can't stand much more...All eye want is to be the light for others to see themselve...Be honest and Truthful...but it gets hard when truth isnt appreciated on all accounts...Is my werd bond to u?
eye dont know what im writing im just letting go of a lot of pain that eye keep inside for fear of someone saying "u too focused on the negative things".........Lalalalalala! My soul aches too.......
I'm just trying to complete me.
What the hell.....Think eye smoked too much this weekend.....all things in moderation!
Friday, October 11, 2002
Rafiki...Today-This day im really feeling this song...This word...Zap Mama! Go check it out if u haven't already....U BEEN SLEEPING....Anyhoo today is friday and im already ready to leave work and get my weekend started...No plans have been made but im just ready to leave....Go figure! Self-Employment is an option for me...Heavily thinking about what and where to start.....???????? Man eye gotta start calling the Herb people so eye can be straight for a minute.......SMOKE 1!
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
"Let the werds of my mouth and the meditaion of my heart,Be acceptable in _ site, Oh Lord my strength and my redeemer"...Remember like it was yesterday repeating that in church....Baptist like on a sunday-My mind would drift on about what music eye wanted to play when eye got home from church....No focus on what the Rev. was building on....Just mingling in my thoughts of Candy....lalalalallaa.....As eye got older eye came to respect the church for what it is...a Biznizz....A Biznizz of brainwashing minds to think alike and have no sense of identity...And to think eye attended an Afrikan Amerikkkan church and they NEVER told me that Egipt was in Africa.....By gosh eye woulda put it all together just knowing that all things great started out this Brown hue or darker....Which meant eye would;ve been closer to My God-the Divine as a youngin....FYI eye am in no way blaming the church for the lack of knowledge on MY part! But eye will blame them for drilling these BIBLE verses in my head-the same tactics slave masters used to get us to BELIEVE that we ARE Niggas......Having all the verses doesnt let ME voice my OWN opinions of what and who God is to me....and thats wrong.....For me eye know that God has a plan for my life.and no matter what choices EYE make God is there watching and guiding me...Because eye do all things in Moderation of God....and Gods laws of my land....Eye am to be whatever God has planned...and eye have no shame for that none what so ever.....Man eye got a lot on the mental...but this is what eye told a close friend today:
Nekaybaaw says
yeah eye think that u are taking on a great deal..and u mentally have to repair yourself for the trails...my only advice to u that will be of use is...Take ur TIME and flow with all things...there is a reason..but just take ur time and be patient...all that is for u will be yours
Nekaybaaw says:
eye look at u and in a lot of ways eye think ur rushing yourself adding that xtra stress to ur mind and body...and b4 u know it U will shut down UNVOLUNTARILY...and u dont want that ...just Moderate
Nekaybaaw says:
ALL things in Moderation
Too many of us are moving so fast with the WORLD that we don't take time to listen to the real voices that we have...That voice of God....Now as a human Be-ing we have many voices, many sides...so when do u know which voice is of God.........hmmmmm......Trust in Eyeself......
Eye got more werds till later....
Nekaybaaw says
yeah eye think that u are taking on a great deal..and u mentally have to repair yourself for the trails...my only advice to u that will be of use is...Take ur TIME and flow with all things...there is a reason..but just take ur time and be patient...all that is for u will be yours
Nekaybaaw says:
eye look at u and in a lot of ways eye think ur rushing yourself adding that xtra stress to ur mind and body...and b4 u know it U will shut down UNVOLUNTARILY...and u dont want that ...just Moderate
Nekaybaaw says:
ALL things in Moderation
Too many of us are moving so fast with the WORLD that we don't take time to listen to the real voices that we have...That voice of God....Now as a human Be-ing we have many voices, many sides...so when do u know which voice is of God.........hmmmmm......Trust in Eyeself......
Eye got more werds till later....
Tuesday, October 08, 2002
Hotep All is Divnine.....
Having thoughts and visions-wanna travel abroad...Meaningful journeys-tired of dropping dimes in the wishing well *Thanks Terrence Trent....Made plans a while ago but some have fallen through...Maybe we can still travel together at least....Hate to do it alone...Much of my life has been in ONENESS, but oh well guess thats what God has planned for my Living.....Also feeling creative..Like drawing or painting trees or trains...No canvas-too civilized-Whats a world without order? Heaven maybe......Eye dislike the way the blog page looks it has no order....lol! Think im gonna call the White House today and let my Voice be heard against the War on Iraq......"Don't let Iraqi children die" protests are everywhere across this country on this issue....man eye wish upon a star that eye can move my azz to Jamaica in time enuff......and be baptized by way of my bredren and sistren....
"Running round in circles,lost my focus lost site of my goals"
Hmmm Eye was worried for a minute that India.Arie may lose her way in Devil's Industry...But im soo proud that she stays grounded and humble to the creator....man Divine is always present and will take care of kindred spirits....Feeling like getting rid of my worldy clothing and make my own shyt even if it is.......Wick Wick Wack! With a capitol W..............
Is it me or am eye the only one u thinks Bilal is sexy.....the way he interprets song.....hmmm He could be my baby Daddy! Yippie!
Im drinking Peach nectar while eye work.....man im secluded in my own lil corner at my desk.....and eye tell u that its peace over here nobody talking to me about they stupid worldly shit....Dumb azz bitches and hoe problems..Nigga problems and any other degrading title we place on our rantings.........
ok think im gonna go and chat with my sistren on the IM now.......
Wadu....Shalome....Peace....One.....Give Thanks
Having thoughts and visions-wanna travel abroad...Meaningful journeys-tired of dropping dimes in the wishing well *Thanks Terrence Trent....Made plans a while ago but some have fallen through...Maybe we can still travel together at least....Hate to do it alone...Much of my life has been in ONENESS, but oh well guess thats what God has planned for my Living.....Also feeling creative..Like drawing or painting trees or trains...No canvas-too civilized-Whats a world without order? Heaven maybe......Eye dislike the way the blog page looks it has no order....lol! Think im gonna call the White House today and let my Voice be heard against the War on Iraq......"Don't let Iraqi children die" protests are everywhere across this country on this issue....man eye wish upon a star that eye can move my azz to Jamaica in time enuff......and be baptized by way of my bredren and sistren....
"Running round in circles,lost my focus lost site of my goals"
Hmmm Eye was worried for a minute that India.Arie may lose her way in Devil's Industry...But im soo proud that she stays grounded and humble to the creator....man Divine is always present and will take care of kindred spirits....Feeling like getting rid of my worldy clothing and make my own shyt even if it is.......Wick Wick Wack! With a capitol W..............
Is it me or am eye the only one u thinks Bilal is sexy.....the way he interprets song.....hmmm He could be my baby Daddy! Yippie!
Im drinking Peach nectar while eye work.....man im secluded in my own lil corner at my desk.....and eye tell u that its peace over here nobody talking to me about they stupid worldly shit....Dumb azz bitches and hoe problems..Nigga problems and any other degrading title we place on our rantings.........
ok think im gonna go and chat with my sistren on the IM now.......
Wadu....Shalome....Peace....One.....Give Thanks
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
Man im trying to figure out what the hell is up with my webcam....today it decided not to work.....
How important is this?....Hmmm not very much.....Eye should be reading ,studying sum werds....
Seems like everything around me.................Fly away.......
*sighs* sumtimes shit is hard.......Emotions...damn why couldnt eye be-non-emotional...Hard like....maybe it would be easier...
Think im highhhhhhhhhhh!
yep eye am
How important is this?....Hmmm not very much.....Eye should be reading ,studying sum werds....
Seems like everything around me.................Fly away.......
*sighs* sumtimes shit is hard.......Emotions...damn why couldnt eye be-non-emotional...Hard like....maybe it would be easier...
Think im highhhhhhhhhhh!
yep eye am
Tuesday, October 01, 2002
Peace all People....
Back 1 Mo time....its mad hat in the apartment...maybe that means eye should get my ass up and turn the air on...hmmm...
Hey between u and me PINK is over rated...eye honestly think a lot of these kats on the tube are...Mostly these fake ass rapper kats.....No idea of what hip-hop is or means....For them its a means to get payed and rock the newest clothes....Man what happened to the pure days of Hip-Hop?.....Who stole that shit? Can we get it back in this lifetime?.....Hmm maybe eye should ask Erykah?...or Common with that dead animal around his neck....Fur....Eye used to luv them both....."yes yes yall" If ever u have been to Dallas and see erykah and common roaming the spots....u then too would quetion the level of TRUTH they hold as in-die-viduals..........
Back 1 Mo time....its mad hat in the apartment...maybe that means eye should get my ass up and turn the air on...hmmm...
Hey between u and me PINK is over rated...eye honestly think a lot of these kats on the tube are...Mostly these fake ass rapper kats.....No idea of what hip-hop is or means....For them its a means to get payed and rock the newest clothes....Man what happened to the pure days of Hip-Hop?.....Who stole that shit? Can we get it back in this lifetime?.....Hmm maybe eye should ask Erykah?...or Common with that dead animal around his neck....Fur....Eye used to luv them both....."yes yes yall" If ever u have been to Dallas and see erykah and common roaming the spots....u then too would quetion the level of TRUTH they hold as in-die-viduals..........
Saturday, September 07, 2002
Hotep People.....
Ok eye been slacking on writing in this journal...
Been out of town to a huge function for Lesbian women....
Didnt have too much fun...lol! But oh well.....
Road trips are kool when u have participants who ride like u do....
Talked to my girl Aaza for the 1st time in a minute...Been missing that
sistas presence in my cypher...Nuttin but Peace and Creative ness....
Thats my sis for real.....GOT DAMMIT can sumbody tell me how to put pictures nshyt on this BLOG!!!!
Im sitting here at work came in for sum overtime...madn eye aint doin a damn thang.....lol
Guess thats what OT is about....
Sumthyn of importance...What can eye do today that will be different than
eye did yesterday.? Life changes
Ok eye been slacking on writing in this journal...
Been out of town to a huge function for Lesbian women....
Didnt have too much fun...lol! But oh well.....
Road trips are kool when u have participants who ride like u do....
Talked to my girl Aaza for the 1st time in a minute...Been missing that
sistas presence in my cypher...Nuttin but Peace and Creative ness....
Thats my sis for real.....GOT DAMMIT can sumbody tell me how to put pictures nshyt on this BLOG!!!!
Im sitting here at work came in for sum overtime...madn eye aint doin a damn thang.....lol
Guess thats what OT is about....
Sumthyn of importance...What can eye do today that will be different than
eye did yesterday.? Life changes
Wednesday, August 28, 2002
Peep out sum of dem links...Favorites nshit!...Take a lookie.....
b-fly wears
aaza blue
eclectic soul
kemit works
rastafari today
Whew...eye keep thinking of things to say on here...so until eye stop talkin u just gonna have to read....hahahaha!
Im gettin my mental ready for a trip back home(Bama) this weekend...Part of me wants to not go and just stay home in the bed....WHew! that would be so Peace to me...But my friend(Negoyah) wants to xperience the REAL SOUTH....So to all those people who dont know where the south is....let me tell u where...Alabama,Georgia,Louisiana,South Carolina,Mississippi,Florida,Tennesse....lol! Not Texas,Kentucky(how dah fuk r u claiming the southern section fools!),and any others u frontin....Okay back to what eye was sayin...Im gonna go and have a peace time...No interference from Disagreeables.....May God be with us....All things are possible in the All.......
UPLIFT yaSELF.........
Im boout to be in dah dang bed....So good night and smoke on......
Im gettin my mental ready for a trip back home(Bama) this weekend...Part of me wants to not go and just stay home in the bed....WHew! that would be so Peace to me...But my friend(Negoyah) wants to xperience the REAL SOUTH....So to all those people who dont know where the south is....let me tell u where...Alabama,Georgia,Louisiana,South Carolina,Mississippi,Florida,Tennesse....lol! Not Texas,Kentucky(how dah fuk r u claiming the southern section fools!),and any others u frontin....Okay back to what eye was sayin...Im gonna go and have a peace time...No interference from Disagreeables.....May God be with us....All things are possible in the All.......
UPLIFT yaSELF.........
Im boout to be in dah dang bed....So good night and smoke on......
Long day at the slave job...
Anyhoo other things on my mental...
Eye miss U so much...And eye just saw u.
But eye understand that higher callings are the main importance now!
Im for peace not chaos...For the good! Ma'at in truth...
Gotta stay balanced in all things....
Maintain and grab hold those dreams....Fullfil em....
Im so very proud of u...Jus tknow that for putting that foot forward...
And doing sumthyn that will be rewarding to your life...
U are well on ur way.....Keep hurtin em!
Anyhoo other things on my mental...
Eye miss U so much...And eye just saw u.
But eye understand that higher callings are the main importance now!
Im for peace not chaos...For the good! Ma'at in truth...
Gotta stay balanced in all things....
Maintain and grab hold those dreams....Fullfil em....
Im so very proud of u...Jus tknow that for putting that foot forward...
And doing sumthyn that will be rewarding to your life...
U are well on ur way.....Keep hurtin em!
Tuesday, August 27, 2002
Hey it took me few moments to figure this thing
and im telling U eye did just lil bit....Enuff to get by...
Eye have a hard time expressing myself verbally...
When im explaining to someone something of
importance people seem to get it twisted...Is it all me?
Anyhoo im bothered by those who ask for opinions but
can't handle them...
Why ask if u really didnt wanna know...Especially asking someone
who's gonna be honest about things....Wouldnt u want that????
Go figure....Shit im tired of talking...Im gonna keep my Mouth
closed!!!!!!!! (period)
and im telling U eye did just lil bit....Enuff to get by...
Eye have a hard time expressing myself verbally...
When im explaining to someone something of
importance people seem to get it twisted...Is it all me?
Anyhoo im bothered by those who ask for opinions but
can't handle them...
Why ask if u really didnt wanna know...Especially asking someone
who's gonna be honest about things....Wouldnt u want that????
Go figure....Shit im tired of talking...Im gonna keep my Mouth
closed!!!!!!!! (period)
Plug 1, Plug 2....erase the memories of being misundastood...
Im new to this lil thing right here but im gonna figure this out!!!
U hear that...Godis conquer-eth all things....
Eye been dreaming lately of Blu-Flowers-Rain Showers
and my dreams came true.....
Do u understand these words im speaking?
Today was very busy day for me at the work place...
Im at that point where im tired of working for HIM!
Wanna start my own business and work for myself...
Invest in my own ideas...No more sweating blood to build
his plantation....Its about my dreams...
Turning em into Reality
Oh Yeah Ashanti fukkin sucks!!!!! Why does she have a deal?
Plug 1, Plug 2....erase the memories of being misundastood...
Im new to this lil thing right here but im gonna figure this out!!!
U hear that...Godis conquer-eth all things....
Eye been dreaming lately of Blu-Flowers-Rain Showers
and my dreams came true.....
Do u understand these words im speaking?
Today was very busy day for me at the work place...
Im at that point where im tired of working for HIM!
Wanna start my own business and work for myself...
Invest in my own ideas...No more sweating blood to build
his plantation....Its about my dreams...
Turning em into Reality
Oh Yeah Ashanti fukkin sucks!!!!! Why does she have a deal?
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