Wednesday, October 09, 2002

"Let the werds of my mouth and the meditaion of my heart,Be acceptable in _ site, Oh Lord my strength and my redeemer"...Remember like it was yesterday repeating that in church....Baptist like on a sunday-My mind would drift on about what music eye wanted to play when eye got home from church....No focus on what the Rev. was building on....Just mingling in my thoughts of Candy....lalalalallaa.....As eye got older eye came to respect the church for what it is...a Biznizz....A Biznizz of brainwashing minds to think alike and have no sense of identity...And to think eye attended an Afrikan Amerikkkan church and they NEVER told me that Egipt was in Africa.....By gosh eye woulda put it all together just knowing that all things great started out this Brown hue or darker....Which meant eye would;ve been closer to My God-the Divine as a youngin....FYI eye am in no way blaming the church for the lack of knowledge on MY part! But eye will blame them for drilling these BIBLE verses in my head-the same tactics slave masters used to get us to BELIEVE that we ARE Niggas......Having all the verses doesnt let ME voice my OWN opinions of what and who God is to me....and thats wrong.....For me eye know that God has a plan for my life.and no matter what choices EYE make God is there watching and guiding me...Because eye do all things in Moderation of God....and Gods laws of my land....Eye am to be whatever God has planned...and eye have no shame for that none what so ever.....Man eye got a lot on the mental...but this is what eye told a close friend today:
Nekaybaaw says
yeah eye think that u are taking on a great deal..and u mentally have to repair yourself for the only advice to u that will be of use is...Take ur TIME and flow with all things...there is a reason..but just take ur time and be patient...all that is for u will be yours
Nekaybaaw says:
eye look at u and in a lot of ways eye think ur rushing yourself adding that xtra stress to ur mind and body...and b4 u know it U will shut down UNVOLUNTARILY...and u dont want that ...just Moderate
Nekaybaaw says:
ALL things in Moderation

Too many of us are moving so fast with the WORLD that we don't take time to listen to the real voices that we have...That voice of God....Now as a human Be-ing we have many voices, many when do u know which voice is of God.........hmmmmm......Trust in Eyeself......
Eye got more werds till later....

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