Eye got so much to do in lil time man...Eye got few things that im getting into these days..Getting the vendors license on friday...thats gonna be kool...So yes im bout to start selling shit!!!! Hustle Woman to a Corner near U. Also in other news thinking bout taking a Capoeira class here while im in Dallas....that would be mad fun....Don't u think-Eye need a way to clear my mind..and get those corners of my mind that eye had occupied BACK! Stimulate the left and right brain....."Wrap yo head wif dat material"......Good ole Erykah stylee....
These are pictures of me sitting in on a class.....hmmmm...These are untouched pictures..no cropping-or editing...
Kill Whitey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!
There is a certain peace within the art....Livity if u will...Eye think eye need to learn patience again..Althought im still patient..it doesnt hurt to brush up on it again...To fully become humble.....my definition of humble is only defined by me....U can either dispute me or join...Which is it gonna be? Eye am waiting around but not for too long.........REMEMBER THAT!
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