Monday, December 09, 2002

To attain certain levels of peace..One must be......
...Today eye have a toothache out of this world..Ouch! it hurts and eye want my mommy...Gotta get to the dentist really fast and soon...Anyways other than that eye really want to be at home right now...Eye have about 150 items that im trying to ship out while eye update my!

The weekend was surprisingly weird...Hmmm...What's up with that? Had the chance to chill with my dad this weekend...He came down to Dallas to get my old truck..She had been giving a sister problems....But she's gone now and eye have another car...So the Creator blessed me with a new opportunity...My hands smell like herb after sticking my hands in my pocket-im afraid to wave my hands around for the fear of smelling like a huge blunt.....HAHAHA!

Ok im bout to close but whats on the mental is: Eye need to work on my communication skills...To communicate effectively is my objective for me....Eye have been listening a lot this weekend to thos voices and maping stuff out in my brain....But eye think im gonna use my pen and paper more often too....Gotta think business like. Organization-being on one accord long enuff to finish something..
Analyzation-to see what im working with and the how's,when,where and who's(thanks to mali im learning)
Commitment-self explanatory...or commitment to SELF.
Patience-practice makes better.

Please pardon the silence as im trying to figure out mentally my plans and goals..and where it,them,u and me fit.

Results of some kooky quiz:

I am linus

Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz

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