I'd like to take this moment to send a special shout out.
This particular shout is very special to me. I'd like to thank
George W. Bush for your enlightening though provocking display of
concern for the black community. Sir your recent visit to Atlanta, GA
in memorial for Dr. Martin Luther King was astonishing. You've actually
supplied the urban community with hope that we will get YO AZZ
removed of office...Thanks but no thanks for the little sentiment of
gratitude. Dude stop it! It is enough that you've insulted millions
of americans with debt and unfortunate deaths. Now this.
I'd rather see Michael on TV waving to his fans as he enters the courtroom.
About the pic: I thought is were the best out of the choices I had.
Why Ghandi you were'nt 100% but your efforts of non-violence
as displayed in India are looked at as noble. In your next life I hope that you
will embrace Afrikans being that your an extension of it......(insert surprised looks here)
Ok, enough about that...On the serious side of thangs I'm a few days
late of giving my journal thanks to Dr. the King Martin(i am aware that i used his name like this)
Most tend to think of Dr. King as the token symbol for eqaulity for
black people. Well he stood for that and credit is due to ALL those who
gave unconditional efforts to make OUR lives as plush as they are.
Though it may not seem plush...I'm sure it's millions of miles away from
that which my ancestors had. With that said....I give thanks for all that you've
done and given to my race of people. Without your efforts a lot of this
shit wouldn't be possible. Why yes it's still a mystery as to who actually pulled
the trigger that ended your life....We are not clueless to that..and i'm sure in some
form or another you knew that you would meet death in that fashion.
Doesn't make it right but life is that way sometimes. It tests us to see how
strong we are mentally and physically. You've passed that test.
Just a few sincere words from a young woman who's thought you to be
one of the reasons why I am.....Who I am!
Chant up........
ps: we gonna keep Dubbya away from your grave so that u can rest in peace.
pours out a lil foe ya!
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