Tuesday, January 20, 2004

judge ye NOT!!!: speaking my peace

for i was compelled to say this......
to my dearest sincere:

of course your comments inspired my lil rant tonight. as i'm fresh outta class this evening, i decided to check my blog. mind you this is RIGHT after my religion class...lol so pardon i this may be long winded.

i understand your comments in regards to Dr. King. i'm sure that you have plenty reason for your feelings. justifiable. your reference to Dr. King needing to have a "backbone".....well i laughed at this...why Dr. King sure as hell can't have that now. but often i've heard similiar comments from others in the past few years. we all have our opinions- which are good and bad. however, i don't agree with you here. i've often asked those who thought Dr. King needed a backbone why they felt this way. most comments were about how turning the other cheek is coward like and hasn't done anything to change things.

wrong! if anything remember this..and i'm sure your aware.....it takes far MORE courage to turn the other cheek on your enemy than it does to strike back. often times your enemy will walk away with a certain respect for you. because you've stood your ground and you didn't have to result to lesser means to make your point. why isn't that what Ghandi preached and exhibited?? yes, he did-----insert foot note here---a lot of what Dr. King preached, taught and learned were things he learned from Ghandi. where as, Ghandi seen as such a nobleman amoungst men..damn near deity..but on the flip one of OUR own is ridiculed and called a coward for doing the same thing. like i said earlier Ghandi was not all good...why some of his practices when he lived in south africa were not helpful but oppressive to afrikans...but he's still an icon.

i can't take any credibility away from Dr. King, Malcolm X, Huey Newton and anyone else because in my eye they all fought for the same thing. EQUALITY. how dare you say how one needs to get a backbone when you've NEVER expierenced having a water hose sprayed on you while going to your church gathering, or how could you say these things if you've never been thrown in jail for standing to your belief that BLACK people in america should have equal rights.....how can one...as you sit at your pc...with internet access and type such things......when this man is partly/not whole responsible for seeing that WE have the same luxuries.....how soon do we forget. THIS is what oppresses BLACK people. the attitude. our attitudes are shameful and ridiculous as we know NOT what it is to FIGHT and DIE for what we believe in most. i am really ashamed of those comments...not u as a person but the comments...it saddens me to see throths of white people praising Dr. King and yet we turn our backs....ungrateful basterds. he should be celebrated along with countless others. he seems to be the poster child for the civil rights for blacks....not saying i agree with that...but he is worthy of celebration....so are those four lil sisters who died in the 16th st. babptist church back home in bombingham,al. along with assata, fred hampton, and the rest.

i don't know what u would prescribe as the cure...but to say that turning the other cheek aint do nothing is a stretch. shit throwing fists didn't and hasn't done shit but cause us to loot and burn our own communities. ??? what would you prescribe? i say try and watch comments like this for you've never had to walk that path he's walked,,,so you don''t know what his shoes felt like...you've never had to lead the WHOLE black community-let alone get majority on one accord. until you have.........these words are null and void.

this goes out to ANY of you who have the same comments or feelings.....
i'd like to know what, how, when, where and why you feel this way. you don't have to post your comments here if u trying to maintain privacy....i am open for all peeps...shit email me we can verse: Nekaybaaw@endaikeio.com

i'm going to chill on that note..i got clothes to fold and find something to eat in this late hour.
take care.

give thanks.

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