so school has begun/began.....
i'm sitting in class(world religions), this is where i start to
really realize that this world is full of generalizations and labels...
not that I didn't know this already but now it is apparent.
i've learned that I am considered amoung many as a syncretist....
meaning: that i can combine different aspects of religion to
compile my own school of thoughts in regards to my religion.
well i disagree. number one i don't consider myself to be
religious at all. i follow no laws or guidelines when it comes to
giving thanks to the creator. i don't know about those of you out there
but it works for me. that's what matters right???
what i did agree with was the statement made:
Respect Requires Understanding
with that said i think this class is going to be promising.
in the sense of gaining insight on other practices outside of mine.
ahhhh yes, the guitar only comment on this would be...
fools, watch out i'm bout to rock out for the rest of my old decrepet life....
hahahaha!!! i'll be the lost love child of bad brains/fishbone nshit.
look for me to have a damn mohawk or ok that was a joke.
but i think i'm going to like this class.
i've made a promise to myself that I will no longer post in my blog
about my ins and outs at my job. it is understood I DON'T LIKE IT!!!!
I know that i don't like working for corporate i'll just
take the proper steps of using this place as means to get me to the next
level. done. finish. dead**
thanks to all who caught a lil view of my photo spot moment....
ummm not the best work i've done but i thought the moment i captured
of Ms. Baduuuuu Baduuu was priceless.... my mom should be proud
i'm hustling articles, photos and singing/song!
you can't make no money being an artist"
that's what dad said to me when i was 18 and about to leave for college.
WORSE shit you can ever tell a child...but dad....I love yo ass
in spite of....we cool like dat! since then he's seen what a little talent
can do for a person.......
for some reason the one constant thought i've had all week is:
maybe i should let him feel on my booty"
next post: the affects of being celibate and what it does to your!
who got that latest episodes of BOOTY TALK???? ha!
stay up people!
slogan for 2004: