Tuesday, December 23, 2003

news and rants...

just a few thangs i wanna touch on......

up first i'd like to ask what is all the hoopla concerning the statements Ms. Hill made at the Vatican Concert? i for one saw the importance of what she had to say. some believe that there's a time and place for all things....true. all things in moderation. what exactly is a good time to put the vatican on full blast? well let me clarify that, what would've been a better time to bring out issues that have been brought to light out in the publics veiw??? i say big ups to lauryn for having the balls to confront this situation.....peep some of the comments i noticed:

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"Comments? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?" (80 comments & pings so far)
Comment 1 posted by Sandra Smallson on December 15, 2003 08:02 AM:

I'm appalled by Ms Hill's behaviour. She is no saint herself. This self righteous behavior needs to be curtailed by people in this world. Ofcourse it is deplorable what some, I repeat, SOME priests seem to be doing to Altar boys etc. What I am sure is annoying to a lot of people is that nothing is being done to the pedophiles, the church in the eyes of many does not seem to be taking action. Well, the church is caught b/w a rock and a hard place. How can they preach forgiveness and judgment is for God, and then proceed not to forgive these priests and judge them?

Why exactly did Ms hill agree to perform for such an audience if she was so appalled by their behaviour? She could have refused to perform and read her statement at that point. I am not defending the behaviour of the priests and bishops but I do not think I am in any position to be throwing stones at anybody when I've got my own sins to worry about. Nobody ever knows what these priests are up to but they will answer to their God. If you go to mass, the fact that the priest might be a pedophile does not tarnish the sacred nature of the mass you have attended, it tarnishes the priest and the priest alone.

I think Lauryn Hill should not have attended the event at all if she had such strong views about the vatican and using that opportunity to attack the vatican is just daft. Is she even catholic?

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Comment 2 posted by Eric Olsen on December 15, 2003 08:17 AM:

I bet she won't be asked back. This was certainly rude, but maybe they needed to hear it.

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Comment 3 posted by ClubhouseCancer on December 15, 2003 08:27 AM:

Bravo Lauryn!

People who speak truth to power are always criticised, and always vindicated. It's just too bad she had to ruin the Christmas of the leaders of that organized crime syndicate.

Instead of giving one thought to those evil Cardinals and their feelings, why not keep a good thought for the thousands of victims of the depraved rapists they've supported and employed?

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Comment 4 posted by Natalie Davis on December 15, 2003 08:42 AM:

Lauryn rules! Gotta wonder, though, why she took that particular gig. I guess this audience did need a hard dose of truth for a change.

Comment 7 posted by bhw on December 15, 2003 09:22 AM:

I think Hill was pretty damned balls-y! Saying it right there at the Vatican!

As for the first commenter's points about priests and forgiveness, the church is free to forgive its pedophile priests while they serve out their prison sentences. I don't think repeatedly sending the fox back into the hen house counts as forgiveness. Seems like it counts as willfully ignoring the law and the safety and well being of the children of your church.

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Comment 8 posted by Sandra Smallson on December 15, 2003 03:42 PM:

I hope Hill is as "Ball-sy" in her own household. Somehow, I doubt it very much. As for the person who refers to the priests or the vatican as "organised crime"..what can anybody say to a person like you? Nothing!


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ok so now i can take a deep breath.....
after hearing the jury's decision of giving lee malvo life without parole...i have a sense of easiness. even though life is just that.......i didn't want to see the little brother killed. i am one of the few who actually doesn't believe this bullshit story about two black men laying out in the back of a vehicle knocking people off.....come on. that's some white man shit....seriously.....i'm not being racist when i say that...well maybe it is. but i just don't believe it....hell make me believe it. what happened to the alleged white van and alleged two white male suspects???? hmmm, sumbody answer me....anyways- i'm waiting on the decision for muhammed. that is the one to watch.....but i already know they are going to kill him. got that good feeling......


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