it was a pretty ok show. i'm only giving it an ok due to the turnout..or lack of turnout that is...
Slum Vill only did about 5 songs total..I think Dwele topped that with 6
the show was fairly short-but the wait time was forever....i'm guessing they wanted to
wait for more people to show up...well if they'd just ask me i'd told them that
Dallas is a fickle place to see a show.....I mean if you ain't from here you probably won't get
the love you'd like or support. but thats my opinion.
I did enjoy myself for the time i was there. I can have fun in almost any situation it seems.
but yeah i'd rather see slum and dwele in another place beside dallas.
it's almost that time for me to punch the clock...get home, get things in order for tomorrow
work on a few things. and watch Carnivale'.
in my attempts to make work go by i tend to wonder the building in search of
cool images to capture.....for the niggas...that means finding pictures to take! i ended up in
of my favorite rooms....
today's photo moment: