yesterday was a pretty progressive day for me..well that is after work was over. i found myself going home and immediately messing around with the fruity loops 4. right now i have about 4 beats that i've constructed into a sorta song. 1 im really happy about- actually let a friend hear it for the first time. then about 8 o'clock i sat down to watch a film called Ararat, but unfortunately i fell asleep. but the bright side is i got a chance to catch up on some rest. and now i'm here today!!!
been pondering..................
the state of music these days. thinking about how influential music was to me as a youngin. these days im not too influenced by much of anything i've heard. it all sounds the fuckin same. all rappers wanna sing-all singers wanna rap. what the fudge is going on with the creativity. i blame the powers in charge. turning artists into products so they can be sold for the mere price of peanuts while corporate fucks reap the benefits of the efforts of artists. capitalists.
there is a bright side for me...a more refreshing side. i do tend to enjoy queer eye. pretty funny, honest, straight up kinda guys. I find them very refreshing and helpful to watch. they actually are helping men image wise, building confidence as well. and of course- carson is my favorite. this leads me to another question.....why do women love gay guys???? i find some to be very entertaining. lol!
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